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If you’re wondering whether you should turn off your boiler during the summer, then you’re not alone. With the cost-of-living crisis as it is at the minute, the prospect of saving a few extra pennies on your energy bill by shutting down your boiler when it’s not needed is tempting. The good news for you is that you can turn off your boiler during the summer, however, there are a few things you need to know before you do to ensure that it stays in tip-top condition for when you need to use it consistently again.

Key Takeaways

If you’re running short on time, then there are a few key things you should know when it comes to your boiler during the summer:


  • Turning your boiler off in the summer can save you money on your energy bills, particularly if you’re going away on holiday.
  • Don’t leave your boiler switched off for the entire summer. It’s good to fire it up once or twice per month in order to keep everything working smoothly, as well as to identify any issues that might have developed over time.
  • If you don’t have electric showers (or you want a bath), then you’ll need to use your boiler in the summer for your hot water needs. However, this can be done on an as-and-when is needed basis so that you’re only paying for what you need.
  • Many modern boilers have a seasonal summer mode to provide hot water but not heating in the summer months.

Can I Turn My Boiler Off in the Summer?

Yes, absolutely, and you’ll most likely save money by doing so. With that said, we’d still advise that you switch on your boiler a few times during the summer months, rather than switching it off for months at a time. Otherwise, the valves and other components can get stuck, which is a hassle you’d really rather do without.

Firing up your boiler every once in a while during the summer also allows you to identify any problems that might have developed, meaning you can address them before winter comes around. 

This is particularly important if it transpires that you’re in need of an emergency repair, or worse still, an entirely new boiler. Turning on the hot water and heating in short bursts, during the summer, will enable you to assess your radiators and thermostats and identify any potential leaks that might’ve sprung.

‘Standby’ and ‘Seasonal’ Modes

Many modern boilers also often have a “Standby Mode” feature which means the boiler isn’t completely off, but it’s not functioning at full capacity, either. This can help you save on costs and, in fact, energy-efficient boilers use little to no energy when on standby mode.

Some other boiler models have a summer and winter mode; in the former, water is heated a few times a day before the boiler is returned to standby. This ensures your hot water needs are met, whilst not spending money you don’t need to be.

Catering for Your Hot Water Needs

Even during the summer, it’s likely you’ll need hot water. Some homes do not have electric showers, and so in these instances, taking baths or showers requires the use of your boiler. The boiler might therefore be turned on a few times during the day to provide sufficient hot water for you and your family. If you don’t take baths and you have an electric-powered shower, then you do not need hot water from your boiler. 

As for the washing machine and the dishwasher, these appliances do not require hot water from the cylinder as the unit heats water from the mains. For combi boilers, you might have to turn them on if you require hot water for your shower or faucets. Fortunately, many modern combi boilers allow you to specifically switch on the ‘hot water’ but not the ‘heating’ (that summer mode we referenced before).

Caring for Your Boiler During the Summer

caring for your boiler during the summer

Summer is the best time to service your boiler so that it’s ready for the winter months ahead. You should consider calling a Gas Safe Registered engineer to service your boiler in August or September.

This ensures that any potential problems with the boiler are identified and repairs are conducted when you do not need the boiler desperately. Boiler engineers are extremely on demand during the winter months considering boilers that have been quiet all summer are being fired up. So, in this instance, a little bit of forethought and preemptive thinking can go a long way. 

Servicing your boiler ahead of time ensures you enjoy the comfort of a warm house when winter comes along. Even if you feel your boiler is in reasonable condition, servicing it will make the boiler work more efficiently, saving you money in the long run.

A Note for Landlords

Gas Safe Registered

If you’re reading this as a landlord, then it’s important to note that you are legally required to have your boilers serviced annually by a Gas Safe Registered. A certificate is issued for all rental properties that have been serviced. 

We recommend that you don’t switch off your boiler completely during the summer if it has shown signs of malfunctions before. The reason for this is that problems can intensify when your boiler is off and the system might start to leak when the boiler is switched on again. In these instances, it’s advisable to have your boiler repaired or serviced before going into hibernation mode.

Replacing a Boiler in the Summer

If your boiler has been subject to endless repairs with little to no success or you simply want to upgrade to a new boiler, summertime is your opportunity to conduct a replacement. As the demand to heat your property is significantly reduced, you can replace your boiler without worrying about the debilitating winter cold.

Final Thoughts

Whilst your boiler might not get put through its paces during the summer the same way it does in the colder months, it’s still important you use it occasionally to keep it in top working order, and to identify problems. So, yes, you can turn off a boiler in the summer, but with that caveat that it shouldn’t be kept off for extended periods of time.

Fortunately, many newer boilers come with pre-programmed seasonal and standby modes to keep your boilers ticking over (and giving you the hot water you need) without overly racking up your energy bills.

If you’ve read this and want to find out more about boiler installations, then give us a call at Boiler Choice! We cover all areas of the West Midlands for boiler installations, such as Worcester, Birmingham, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Swindon and many more.